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Sites like LinkedIn allow you to connect with people who work in your industry, share your passion and goals, and have the potential to introduce you to new jobs. So, in this chapter, we’re going to talk about building your LinkedIn network.

I’ll start by clicking on the My Network item so that the options that allow me to manage my network will appear on the left. This means that by selecting the Connections option, I can display a list containing the names of all the people I am currently in a relationship with. It currently only contains two items, so I’ll go back right away and show all the options again. They allow you to connect with other members on LinkedIn in a variety of ways, and in this chapter I’ll show you how.

Connecting with other LinkedIn users and creating a solid professional network is one of the most important things you can do on this platform. A strong professional network can enable you to exchange ideas, open avenues for collaboration, access to new resources, and even open doors to new jobs. And since it is a two-way street, you will also have the opportunity to help others.

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