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AutoCAD 3D Modeling
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In this lesson I will concentrate on the tower and its walls. As you can see, there is currently only one element in that location, and it will serve as the basis for forming the walls.

To begin with, I will use the Layer Make Current function to activate the layer on which it is located and turn it into a real 3D object with Extrude. I can choose any value for the height, and I will do my best to make the entire construction start from the ground level.

It can be said that so far everything has turned out as expected, so I will select the entire tower and select the Hide Object option to temporarily remove it from the screen. If I then turn to the opposite side, I will be able to compare the existing model with the corresponding facade. As you can see for yourself, the edge of the wall is represented by the line on the left, and its upper point indicates the total height. In order to transfer this data to the 3D model, I will draw an auxiliary line from that point, making sure that it is perpendicular to the surface of the wall. Having marked its height this way, I can run the Rectangle command and draw a new rectangle. It should be large enough to encompass the entire tower, so for the opposite corner I will choose a point that is practically in the yard. After that, I need to convert this contour from Extrude into 3D Solid, and it will serve me well to remove the excess wall mass.

It seems to me that there is now a small part of the wall missing under this roof surface, but this defect can be corrected relatively easily. To that end, I will first isolate the Layer on which all the walls are located and zoom in a little more on the part with the problematic segment. After that it won’t be difficult for me to activate the Dynamic UCS function and draw a poly line that matches its edges. I can easily turn this element into a 3D object and finally connect it to the other walls. To show you what I have achieved, I will include all the layers so you can see for yourself that there is no gap under the roof. This means I can delete this utility line and move on to the next facade.

As you can see, on this side the roof is divided into two segments, which means that the facade wall must also follow this contour. The same detail can be seen on the other facade, so there should be no problems with its implementation. I will start by drawing a guide line that starts from this point and continues towards the 3D model. Since that is not enough for me to determine the exact position, I have to switch to the opposite facade and look for the corresponding detail. After that it will not be difficult for me to draw another auxiliary line and cross it with this direction. Having thus determined the point where these two directions intersect, I can turn off the Dynamic UCS function and draw the position of the future edge. Now I just need to remove this part of the wall, so I will first extract the appropriate elements and immediately run the Presspull command. After that, I just need to click on this surface and drag it down. If I precisely locate the point at the intersection of these lines, the selected segment will be shortened to the appropriate size. Unfortunately, it seems that I missed one smaller area, so I will repeat the same process and with the help of the Presspull function, eliminate this segment as well.

As you could see for yourself, these two lines served me well because without them I would not have been able to determine the exact position of the new element. In the end, I just need to include all the layers and select the End Object Isolation option to show the rest of the tower. If you are bothered by the lines that have appeared inside the walls, you can eliminate them by connecting adjacent elements. To that end, I will use the Union function and remove unnecessary joins.

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