Course Content
Business English
About Lesson

– Can I get you a cup of tea or something?

– No, thanks, I`m fine…

– Please, have a seat. Well, Sally, you`ve seen the company, you`ve seen our products, what do you think?

– You have a wide product range, but they`re all dependent on the same chip technology. I think we maybe offer to supply you with some of the necessary circuitry. But of course we need to speak further about this.

– Well, thanks for coming in…

– It has been most interesting.


– This is the latest prototype.

– How does it work?

– Say something to the Boss.

– Like what?

– Anything. There`s a microphone in Boss`s ear… and it will recognize certain commands. It records what you say and stores it. When it hears the trigger word, it plays it back.

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