About Lesson

So far we have been using this LinkedIn account with its default settings and it has been perfectly acceptable. However, it would not be bad if you familiarize yourself with some special possibilities, because you never know when you will need them.

To begin with, I will look for the so-called Me, at the top of the screen. In the menu, look for the Settings & Privacy option. After that, all the functions that you can use to manage your account will appear on the screen. As you can see, they are classified into special categories, and it is enough to click on one of them for the corresponding options to appear on the right. I will choose the one related to visibility and immediately choose the option related to the display of my profile (Profile viewing options). If you visit someone’s page and it belongs to the so-called premium subscriber will be able to see all visitors for the last 90 days. This means displaying their name and title, but if you want to be anonymous, you can select the Private profile characteristic option and thus provide your host with only information that includes your activity and location, but not your name or photo. If that is not enough for you, activate the so-called Private mode and prevent the disclosure of any information about yourself as a visitor. Otherwise, even if you do not have a premium account, you will be able to see the last five people who viewed your account. You can do this by going to your main page, looking for the section called Analytics and clicking on the Profile views option. So, in this case, I can see the last five visitors and at the same time I will be offered the possibility to switch to a premium account. This includes a free one-month trial period, which you can activate by selecting the option in the upper right corner. I’m not going to deal with that, but I’m going to go ahead and choose the Visibility option again.

Now I can scroll down a bit and look for the section that is used to control the visibility of your LinkedIn activity. There I will click on the option that controls the sharing of changes on the profile (Share profile updates with your network) and check if it is turned on. This function allows you to automatically inform all your followers that you have changed your profile, which means a new job, changes in education, etc. On the other hand, if you make some minor changes, it is not necessary to inform your entire network about it. That’s why I suggest that you keep this function turned off until there is a change in your profile that deserves special attention.

The next section I want to show you includes various notifications, and LinkedIn allows you to manage them. If, for example, you notice that the system sends you too many emails, here you will find an option that allows you to regulate it. As soon as I open this section, items will appear on the right side that represent the reasons for which you will receive various notifications, which can be looking for a job, finding it, connecting with others, etc. You can set each of them separately, allow sending email messages and specify their frequency. For example, if you don’t want the system to send you an e-mail every time someone makes a connection request, you can select the Connecting with others item, click on the Invitations to connect option and adjust its parameters. With me, everything is included, which means that with every connection request I will receive three notifications. The first will be sent to me through the LinkedIn application itself (if I am currently using it), the second will reach my mobile phone and the third will be sent to my e-mail. I think that is too much, so I will exclude the last two options. If receiving a certain amount of e-mail messages is not a problem for you, you can turn on this option and request that you receive notifications only once a week (Weekly). In any case, I advise you to take some time and adjust the notification system according to your needs.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to the options related to the security of your data (Data privacy). I will first click on this item and then in the section called Who can reach you look for the option Invitations to connect. It allows me to choose who I will receive connection requests from. The first applies to all LinkedIn users, the second includes only people who have your email address or are among your contacts, and the third only includes people who appear on that list. If you still do not have a list of contacts, click on the My Network option and look for the Contacts item on the left. After that, you will be able to start the synchronization function or insert new contacts.

This was just a brief overview of the features that allow you to fine-tune your LinkedIn account. There is much more that you can do, so I advise you to explore this area yourself and make the most of all its possibilities.

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