About Lesson

If you’ve followed this course carefully so far, then you have a solid foundation for creating your LinkedIn profile, and in this chapter I’ll show you how you can take it to the next level. If you want to highlight your profile, I recommend that you use the section provided to display your previous achievements. In this lesson I will show you how to do it.

To begin with, I need to click on the Add profile section option and look for the Add featured item in the Recommended section. After that, I can click on the button with the plus sign to bring up additional options on the screen. As you can see, you can present your work in the form of a short message (Add a post), an article (Add an article), an external link (Link) or in another form (Add media). Let’s say I have a short YouTube video with an animated logo and I’d like to share it through this profile. To that end, I will first select the Share option from the menu and copy the existing link. Then I’ll go back to LinkedIn, click on the plus sign button and choose the Add a link option. Now I just need to insert the link I downloaded from YouTube and complete the process with Add. There are still a few empty fields in this frame, so I’ll take the opportunity to enter some additional information. Since the company name is already entered, I can go to the field called Description and describe this logo in more detail. As you can see, its graphic solution will appear at the bottom of the frame, so I can click the Save button and complete this operation.

If I now go back to the main page, you will see that a new section containing practical examples has appeared at the bottom of it. Keep in mind that in addition to links to websites, you can also post articles, posts or other content directly on your profile page. In this way, you will give the people who follow you the opportunity to gain an even better insight into your abilities.

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