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In this lesson I will show you how to create a new LinkedIn profile. To begin with, you need to open the content located at, and this is also the page you will log in to when you open your new account. Note that its appearance may change, but the registration process will essentially remain the same. To create a new account, you need to look for the Join now option in the upper right corner and click on it. You can create your account with any email address, and it would be a good idea to use your Google account as well. I will use my standard email and then enter the appropriate password. It expects you to come up with a password that is at least six characters long, and it must be unique and must not match one you have already used.

After that, you need to click on the Agree & Join button and enter some more information, primarily your first and last name. This will be the information displayed on your profile, so be careful not to make a mistake. As soon as you move on to the next step, information about your location will automatically appear on the screen. If they are not correct, you are free to change them and I will continue and enter information about my current employment. If you are a student, click on the I’m a student option and I will say that Jenifer is employed as a creative director. She does this job full-time and her company is called Red30 Tech. After I finished that, I can go to the next step with Continue.

Now I’m expected to enter a verification code and it will be sent to the email address I provided a moment ago. That’s why I’ll go to the program for exchanging e-mails and look for the corresponding information. Now I just need to copy it and transfer it to the appropriate field. If I then click on the Agree & Confirm option, a question will appear on the screen – am I looking for a new job? In any case, the answer will remain in the private domain and I will choose the second option and move on. Since I initially showed interest in a new job, I am expected to enter information about where I would like to work, so to that end I will enter a new postal code and click on the Next button. Now I need to define the desired job, so I will apply again for the position of creative director. For its location, I will choose California and confirm that I am ready to work remotely.

After that, there is an option that allows me to receive notifications about new jobs. I will exclude it, because I would like to return to this topic a little later, and the same applies to the next option, which refers to the possibility of employment in similar jobs. After that, a recommendation for the LinkedIn mobile application will appear on the screen, which you should definitely install, although I will not deal with that at this time.

The system will automatically offer me to connect with certain people and immediately start building my network, and since we will talk about this a little later, I will simply skip this step. You can use the opportunity and check if there is someone you recognize and with whom you would like to connect.

At the end, you will be able to name the companies you want to follow or to watch some courses, which will allow your profile to be even better adjusted. I will choose to follow the LinkedIn News page, because it is currently offered to me, but there will certainly be several different options available to you. Having done that, I can go ahead and complete the creation of the new account, although it is still far from complete. In the lessons that follow, I will show you how you can continue to customize your profile to make it stand out and more easily achieve your goals.

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