Office 365
About Lesson

It’s time to deal with the function that puts this version of Office far ahead of the standard one. It is the so-called SharePoint, which allows you to easily use common data and share it with your colleagues.

To begin with, I will show you how it looks from the point of view of an ordinary user, how to access the team site and make minor changes. That is why I have already logged into the system and activated the Sites option. As you can see, I have two shortcuts available – the left one gives me access to the team site, while the other represents a direct link to the public Web presentation (Public site). In addition, there is a possibility to place links to the sites you want to follow (Sites I’m following). If you use this option, the system will automatically suggest a few more locations with similar content, so it won’t be difficult for you to complete this list.

I’ll start by going to my team site so that the appropriate content will immediately appear on the screen. As you can see, our admin has already done his part which means I will be able to use several documents and even upload new ones. For that, it is enough to click on the New documents option or to simply select a link to one of the existing ones. In addition, I also have additional content (Assets) at my disposal, which in this case means that I will be able to use a shared notebook (Team Site Notebook). Shortcuts on the left enable easy navigation, so it won’t be difficult for me to choose the appropriate section with one move. This means that by selecting the Home option, you can return to this screen at any time, while to display the notebook, you only need to click on the Notebook option. In a similar way, you can switch to documents or display all the contents that make up the team site. I will take the opportunity to show you what this part of Office looks like, and as you can see, there are shortcuts to notebooks and documents, but also a function that allows you to add new applications. In the same way, you can change or add new pages, use templates and different styles. However, it seems to me that the most important option here is to create additional sites that are directly connected to the basic one (Add subsite). I will introduce you to this function in more detail a little later, and now I will return to the basic level by selecting the Home option. As you already know, there are options that allow you to upload new documents or create them directly. In addition, you will have the opportunity to use certain tools to influence the appearance of this page. For that, it is necessary that you have appropriate privileges, that you have administrator status. In that case, the Edit option will also be available to you, so it is enough to click on it, and the functions that allow you to modify the team site will immediately appear on the screen. In my case, the cursor is automatically placed at the top of the page, so I will use the opportunity to add the appropriate title there. After that, I can select this text and change its appearance. This can be done most easily by choosing one of the offered styles, and I will choose the one that is normally provided for titles. If you want to apply different parameters, you can always choose the appropriate font, font size, color, etc.

The easiest way to change the layout is to use the Layout function. Since I have all the elements placed one above the other, I will choose from this menu the option that divides the entire page into two columns, which means that I will be able to use the right half of the screen as well. It would be even better if I activated the division into three parts, where at the top of the page there is a zone intended for the title. After that, it won’t be difficult for me to transfer this title to a new field, choose the appropriate style and remove the redundant lines.

Since I have enough empty space left on the right side, I will first place the cursor on this surface and then click on the Site Contents option. At that moment, a message will appear on the screen with which the system reminds me that I have not saved the changes, so I just need to click on the OK button and continue. In this mode, new pages can be easily added, but for inserting special elements, it is still necessary to apply a different procedure. That’s why I’ll go back to the beginning by selecting the Home option and then click on Edit to finally be able to display the section where these elements are located. Since the right half of this page is completely empty, I will click on the icon called Web Parts and in this way start the function for entering additional elements. After that, I can go to the section called Community and select the item called What’s happening. After that, you just need to click on the Add button and wait for the system to do its part. Unfortunately, it looks like I’m changing the team site this way, so I’ll just click the OK button and close this frame.

Regardless, before I finish this lesson it wouldn’t be a bad idea to record the changes I’ve made in the meantime. This can be done by clicking on the Save icon, and the same function can be found in the menu on the right. After that, the modified version of the team site will appear on the screen, so I can continue using it.

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