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In order to successfully render a frame, it is necessary to create a camera. Admittedly, it is possible to use Perspective View for these purposes, but in that case you will not be able to fix the selected projection or move through the scene. In addition, in this mode, it is not possible to use special effects such as depth of field and motion blur. This second effect is particularly important to me, because I would like the rotation of the propeller to be shown as realistically as possible.

To begin with, I will look for the section called Cameras in the Create Panel and display the functions found there. As you can see, it contains three buttons but in reality there are only two different types of cameras. These are the so-called physical and standard camera that can be directed (Target) or free. In everyday work, a physical camera represents the most optimal solution, because it behaves exactly like a real optical device and includes all its characteristics. The only reason for using the standard camera is the need to use effects originating from some of the previous versions of 3DS MAX, such as Motion blur on the Quick silver hardware renderer. I will use Arnold for rendering, so nothing prevents me from placing a physical camera on the scene.

That’s why I will immediately click on the corresponding button and display the basic parameters. As you can see, the new camera will be targeted, which means that two points must be entered for its positioning. This can be done most easily in the first projection, so I will go to the corresponding ViewPort and with one click determine the position of the eye point, the place where the camera is located. At the same time, I have to hold the left mouse button, because I am expected to define the direction in which it is directed, so I will move the cursor towards the middle of the scene and only then release the mouse. In the end, I just need to press the right button to stop this command, because I wouldn’t want to automatically continue the series and create another object like this.

To check what the frame corresponding to the current position of the new camera looks like, I will click on the first option at the top of this section and select the Cameras option from the menu. At that moment, the name of the new camera (PhysCamera001) will appear on the right, so it won’t be difficult for me to activate the new view with one move. If I press the F3 key after that, all elements will be displayed with the associated materials, which suits me best at the moment.

If you want to change the position of the camera, you can do it in several different ways. To begin with, I will go to the section where the entire scene is shown on the left, select the camera and start the Move function. After that, it won’t be difficult for me to change its height in one move, and if you pay attention to the corresponding ViewPort, you will notice that it was automatically reflected in the appearance of the entire scene. On the other hand, the point to which the camera is directed (Look at point) will not move, so it is necessary to repeat the same procedure and move it to a new location.

A similar effect can be achieved by direct intervention in the ViewPort itself. All I have to do is press and hold the middle mouse button to make a fist-shaped cursor appear on the screen. After that, every movement of the mouse will be reflected on the camera position, which implies the simultaneous movement of both characteristic points. If that is not enough for you, you can also use one of the functions located in the lower right corner of the screen. I will first click on the icon with the drawn planet and start the Orbit function that way. After that I can go back to the active ViewPort, press the left button and move the mouse. This will immediately be reflected in the position of the camera and it will start to rotate around the point where it is directed.

If you want to change the distance, use the Dolly function. It is enough to click on the appropriate icon and move the mouse with the left button pressed. The camera will automatically move closer or further away from the scene, so it will not be difficult for you to determine the desired distance.

Since the entire scene is always seen in perspective through the camera, there is a possibility to influence the width of the field of view. This is what the Field of View function is for, but I recommend that you make this change by entering the parameters directly. To show you how it’s done, I’ll first start the Select function and then click on the camera and immediately open the Modify Panel. After that I can look for a parameter called Focal Length and change its size. This will immediately affect the width of the field of view, and if you want to simulate the real characteristics of the human eye, I recommend that you activate the Specify FOV option and set its value to 45 degrees.

If you have already set a perspective and want to assign the same projection to a new camera, you can achieve this in a very simple way. It is enough to go to the corresponding ViewPort and look for the Create Physical Camera from View item in the View menu. As soon as you click on it, the program will automatically create a new camera and set its display as a replacement for the normal perspective.

Before I conclude this lesson, I would like to draw your attention to a few more details. The first refers to the display of the field of view that is related to the currently selected camera, and the second to the possibility of its removal. I don’t need two cameras, so I will select the one I used as an example with one click and press the Delete key. It will be immediately removed from the screen, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve.

Since I now have a camera that meets almost all my needs, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check if the motion blur function is active. To that end, I will first select the appropriate object and then look for the Enable Motion blur option among the parameters. I will activate it, because I would like the propellers to be displayed in a way that matches their fast rotation.

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