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Revit – Connecting to AutoCAD
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In this chapter I’ll show you how changes to linked files are reflected in the main project. Considering that until now I have used a drawing from AutoCAD as an example, it would be best to enter all changes directly, so for that purpose I have already started the mentioned program and opened the corresponding file.

To begin with, it is necessary to show more clearly the detail that will be changed, and for this purpose I will place the cursor next to this partition wall and use the wheel on the mouse. After that, it won’t be difficult for me to select all the lines belonging to this element with a few clicks and by pressing the right button to open a menu that includes the most frequently used functions. Since I intend to perform a move, I will click on the Move option and immediately determine the position of the reference point. If I then move the cursor to the right, AutoCAD will automatically display the current distance. Since it is expressed in the form of polar coordinates, I will use the opportunity to directly enter the new position of the partition wall and simply type the number 1000. As soon as I press Enter, all the selected lines will be moved exactly 1m to the right, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve.

Unfortunately, moving the partition wall has disrupted its connections with neighboring elements, so I’ll do my best to correct that. To that end, it is necessary to additionally enlarge the detail that represents the connection with the outer wall and with the help of the so-called Grips and a function that enables automatic guidance combine these two elements. With that sorted out, I can move on to the next detail and use the same technique to rejoin the matching lines. I can repeat this procedure for the joint that is located a little lower, while to fill this gap, it is necessary to apply a slightly different technique. To that end, I will look for the Join function in the Modify panel and immediately select these two segments. If I press Enter after that, AutoCAD will make them into a unique object, which means that I have successfully completed this task as well.

In the end, I just need to double-click the wheel to display the complete drawing and check if everything is in its place. Since I would like the changes I just made to be automatically reflected in my Revit project, I must not forget to save them permanently, so for this purpose I will use the shortcut at the top of the screen and start the Save function.

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