n this lesson you will learn how to download and install the WooCommerce Plugin. This can be done in two ways, and I will show you the simpler one first. To that end, you need to select the Add New option from the Plugins menu and enter WooCommerce in the search field. As soon as the corresponding results appear on the screen, look for an offer belonging to the WooThemes group and click on the Install Now button. After that, you only need to wait a few minutes because WordPress will automatically download this plugin and complete its installation.
The second method is somewhat longer and more complicated, but it gives you the opportunity to adjust the installation to your needs. It involves opening the official WooCommerce presentation, which is normally located at the address of the same name, followed by the creation of a new user account. To that end, I will enter all the necessary data and finally click on the Register button. In order to better adapt to users, the system expects me to explain my needs more precisely, so I will go through a short survey. To begin with, I need to declare whether the online store I intend to create belongs to me or whether I am doing all this as part of my professional activity. I will choose the first option and the system will automatically move me to the next question. It concerns the activity I want to do, and I will choose several items from the list – sports and recreation, food and drink, and health and beauty. If after that I go to the next step by selecting the Continue button, I will be asked a question about the type of product that will be on sale. If you plan to sell classic goods, choose the first item (Physical products), and if it is a matter of software, music or video distribution, it would be best to choose the second option (Digital products). The third item refers to services, and there are also other activities such as selling tickets, membership fees or providing services to third parties (Other vendors’ products). I will opt for the first option and move to the next step in one move. On this occasion, I need to choose the prevailing method of payment, and since I don’t want it to be complicated, I will choose the first option. On the other hand, if you are engaged in an activity that involves Pre-order, subscription, deferred payment (Payment plan) or even if you do not want to receive payments via the Internet at all (Offline), feel free to choose one of the offered options. I believe that the best choice for the majority will be the option that implies a one-time payment, and since it is already active for me, I have no choice but to click on the Continue button and continue.
Now I am expected to choose the way I will use WooCommerce, which means that I can choose between the version that is already on a specialized server (Get WooCommerce pre-installed) or use my WordPress for these purposes (Auto-install WooCommerce on WordPress site). Admittedly, there is also a third option (Go DIY – download the plugin), where the user is expected to download the complete application himself and manually install it on his system. To show you how it is done, I will click on the third item and download the corresponding file with Download. If I then go back to WordPress and click the Upload Plugin button, it won’t be difficult for me to find it and complete this process with Install Now.