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If you have just launched your new online store, I recommend that you use Google Analytics to monitor it. This service is completely free, and a lot of useful data can be collected through it. In other words, it allows you to see where your customers are coming from and what items they are most interested in.

Regardless of the fact that on the Internet you can find several different Plugins that perform this task quite correctly, I recommend you to install one that is specially adapted for WooCommerce. This is the WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration Plugin, and you can download it directly from the WordPress portal. If you are already using one of the similar systems, I advise you to turn it off and switch to a solution that is specially adapted for WooCommerce. In any case, before you install a Google Analytics Plugin, it would not be a bad idea to create a special account, because you will need a so-called UA code.

To that end, I will launch the Plugins, Add new function from the Admin menu and enter the appropriate content in the search field. As soon as the shortcuts that point to the different plugins appear on the screen, it won’t be difficult for me to choose the one I mentioned a moment ago and complete the whole process with a few clicks. If you did the installation in another way, you can get to this section if you select the option WooCommerce, Settings from the Admin menu, and I will simply click on the link at the top of the screen and go to the next step, setting the tracking parameters.

The basic information you need for monitoring is the so-called UA code and it will be available to you as soon as you add your new site to your account. I will enter the appropriate information in this field and immediately move on to the other parameters. Since I would like to automatically collect customer profile data in addition to data related to the operation of the store itself, I will also activate the option called Enable Standard Tracking. Of course, these data can also be downloaded from Google, but I prefer to keep everything in one place.

I also recommend that you turn on the Enable Universal Analytics option, because that way a new system is activated that provides much better quality data. The same applies to the following two options – Purchase Transitions and Add to Cart Events, because they are responsible for monitoring activities that are key to the sale itself. I would like to have as much data as possible available to me, so I will include the Enhanced eCommerce option and finally save all changes by choosing the button located in the lower left corner. From this moment on, Google will automatically record everything that happens in my online store, so in a short time I will be able to check how successful it is.

If the information you have collected in this way is not enough, you can switch to the professional level at any time and choose what interests you. I won’t bore you with the details because there are special courses for this purpose.

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