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So far, I have tried to show you as many functions as possible of WooCommerce itself, using its basic parameters. In this chapter, I’ll go back to the very beginning and detail all its options.

To begin with, I will select the option WooCommerce, Settings from the Admin menu and display the currently active parameters. The first of them (Base Location) refers to the physical location of your store and is usually applied when determining delivery costs. The second parameter (Selling Location) allows you to choose the area where you will sell. This means that you can initially limit yourself to your home country and then slowly expand sales to the region or the rest of the world. The third parameter has a similar role, with the difference that it refers to delivery. In other words, if you do not have the possibility to send your products abroad, simply choose the appropriate option. It would be best if the territory you can cover coincides with the one where you offer your products, because that way you will avoid additional complications.

The parameter named Default Customer Location is important if you want to adapt your offer to individual markets. I currently have an option that ignores this information (No location by default), but if I choose Geolocate instead, the system will try to determine the user’s location based on the IP address. Based on this data, you can adjust your offer or harmonize it with local regulations.

The option called Enable taxes and tax calculation should always be turned on, unless the offers you present are of an internal nature, so no tax is calculated on them.

The next option has a much more important role. Namely, if you want to emphasize a particular feature of your site or aggressively promote a new offer, simply activate the Store notice option and enter the corresponding message in the next field. It will automatically appear on all pages, although its final position depends on the theme you have chosen. In order to show you what it’s really about, I will save the currently selected parameters by selecting the Save changes button and then go to another section and refresh the display of my store. As you can see, a corresponding notification has appeared at the bottom of the frame, which can be very useful in situations such as seasonal sales or some other promotions.

The last few parameters refer to the currency in which you want to make the calculation. This means that you can choose its symbol, its position in relation to the numerical value, the number of decimal places, etc. I don’t need to change anything, so I will click on the Save changes button once more and complete this setting.

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