Windows 11 New Features
About Lesson

Although at one point it was thought that Windows 10 would be the last operating system for desktop computers, Microsoft surprised the world by creating Windows 11. As you can guess, there are many similarities between Windows 10 and 11, but there are also many differences, especially when it comes to the user interface. I am Alexander and I will be your instructor. In this course, I’ll show you what Windows 11 looks like, how its user interface works, and how to use some of the new features. So, if you’re ready to switch to a new version of Windows, I invite you to join me and master its use through the lessons that follow.

Ja sam Aleksandar i biću vaš instruktor. Na ovom kursu ću vam pokazati kako izgleda Windows 11, kako funkcioniše njegov korisnički interfejs i kako se upotrebljavaju neke od novih funkcija. Dakle, ako ste spremni da pređete na novu verziju Windows-a, pozivam vas da mi se pridružite i kroz lekcije koje slede savladate njegovu upotrebu.

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