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Google Ads
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Before starting any online advertising, it is important to define your goal. This can be increased traffic on a website, a greater number of phone calls for the sales team, more direct clients or simply introducing a wider audience to your new product.

In order to really achieve some of the set goals, it is necessary to set an appropriate strategy as well as to choose the right way to measure the results. If you want to raise awareness of your brand, it would be best to monitor the relationship between views and clicks, and focus the campaign itself on reaching the maximum number of visitors. In any case, it is necessary to keep the following four elements in mind: the goal itself, the mindset, the effort invested and the Key Performance Indicator. This last parameter is not always possible to determine exactly because it also depends on the expected results.

Let me show you all this through an example. Let’s say you sell coffee on the Internet and want to increase the number of orders related to filters and cups. So, the first goal is direct online sales, and the mindset should be focused on convincing customers, which means that the consumer must be sure that he will get a filter of good quality. The invested effort is represented by the sale of filters, and the key performance indicator is to sell at least 100 pieces by October.

Our second goal is the sale of coffee cups, and in order to achieve it, it is necessary to first impress the customer, to convince him that our cups are the best of all that can be obtained in this way. The KPI for this offer will be 200 cups sold by December. It follows from all this that we must use an ad format that will attract as many new visitors to our online store as possible. However, before we start such a campaign, it is necessary to choose a method for monitoring sales results and set deadlines. This includes working on the budget as well as subsequent adjustment of all the mentioned parameters so that you can meet the set goals.

If you make a mistake in this and the results are absent, don’t let it discourage you. Mistakes are the best way to learn something and the money you spent on education cannot be wasted.

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