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As you can also be sure, WordPress has a large number of different functions and if this is not enough for you, you can use some of the specially designed plugins at any time. These are the so-called Plugins are automatically followed to the existing version of WordPress and thus expand its options. At this point, several thousand different plugins can be found on the internet, from those completely simple as they are Content sharing buttons to complete Internet store systems. Among the most interesting in any case, those who are located on the official WordPress site are, in the section called Plugins. As you can see, at this point there are over 28,000 different plugins and the most beautiful of everything is that their use is completely free. If there are in mind that there are even more plugins offered at a certain price, you can only imagine what their options are. For installing and activating a new plugin, it is enough of just a few moves with the mouse and I will just show you how it is done.

For starters it is necessary to switch to the admin panel and look for Plugins on the left. If you click on the Installed Plugins option, the list will appear with all the features currently on your system. I am listed by two plugins, Akismet and Hello Dolly where this first can be of great benefits. Its role consists of “filtering” comments and automatically removes everything that belongs to the so-called. unwanted contents (spam). This can be very significant if a large number of comments come to your site every day because otherwise you would have to invest a lot of time in their monitoring and control. Since here is a service that is charged, it is necessary to make an application before its activation and obtain the appropriate code.

The next allowance is not even closely useful. It is a simple function that after activation at each page loading at the top of the screen shows one verse from the children’s song Hello Dolly. Since I don’t believe something like this will ever need you, I advise you to remove this plugin without delay and free space for something more useful.

I won’t do it, because I would like to show you a few more things that are important for working with plugins. As you can see, the first plugin is not specifically marked, which means it is not even active. Plugins currently used will be marked with a blue line just as it is the case with Hello Dolly. If there is a newer version for some of the installed plugins, it will be marked in red, so it will not be difficult for you to update it.

If you want to add a new plugin, you need to first click the Add New button and then enter its name in this field. You can also use shortcuts that are displayed on the screen and thus make search easier. If the plugin you need is already on your computer, start the upload function and switch it to the server. To display selected plugins, click Featured and if you are interested only by those most popular, move on to the same name. By selecting the Newest option, you can see what’s new, and if you have already singled out some plugins, they will appear in the Favorites section. With me, this list is completely empty because I have not yet started evaluating individual plugins.

In the next few lessons I will show you how to add the functionality of your site’s, but you must learn how they are installed. Since there is no special page on my site through which visitors could contact me, I will use this opportunity to show you how it can be created. Among other things, it should also contain a special form that will prevent public display of my email address. It can be easily solved using the appropriate plugin, so I will enter the Contact Form in the Search Plugins button. After a few moments, all add-ons that meet the set condition will appear on the screen, but that does not mean that it is easy to make the right choice. So it is not bad to pay attention to the column called Ratings and to simply ignore anything that is not rated with at least three stars. After that, the order comes to read the description and checking other details. As you can see, it is not uncommon to find a graphical representation between the future form as well as the connection to the website of his author.

I need a special plugin, so I will enter his full name in this field and wait for the system to find it. After that, I can click on the Install option and selecting this procedure button. The WordPress will then automatically download the selected accessory, unpack its archive and complete the installation.

Now I can choose the Activate Plugin option to start this plugin or return to the Installer plugin. However, I will decide for the third possibility and immediately display the list where all my plugins are located. It allows me to change myself and choosing Delete to remove the plugin I just downloaded. As you can see, I can only do this if the plugin is not active because otherwise the delete option will not appear on the screen. Therefore, I will first turn off the plugin called Hello Dolly, and then remove it from the server.

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