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There are two types of content in WordPress – posts and pages. It is necessary for you to understand how they differ in order to be able to set up a well-organized site. So how are posts and pages different?

The easiest way to find a typical post is to visit a site with an Internet blog or search for the latest news. These are short texts that change quickly, where the latest content is placed above the existing ones. In other words, if you often publish short messages, comment on some events or simply upload new pictures, it means that you are dealing with posts. Such contents are easily recognized by the fact that they are grouped one above the other and thus form a chronological order. Posts can be organized by date, author, category or special tag. In this way, users are provided with easier access and more efficient finding of appropriate information. Posts usually contain comments and links to social networks, and this is considered one of the biggest advantages of WordPress. In the past, information on the Internet mostly traveled in one direction, meaning that there was a clear division between authors and readers. Today, the situation is significantly different because with the advent of social networks, hitherto passive users are directly involved in the creation of various contents. In practice, this means that they can leave comments and forward to their friends content that is particularly interesting to them.

Unlike posts, pages usually contain information of a permanent nature. This especially applies to information about the owner of the site (About) and contacts. Precisely for this reason, it is considered that such contents are more in the service of the site itself than conveying current information. The pages are usually hierarchically organized, which means that they are interconnected and that you can easily move from one to another using links. In doing so, different types of menus can be used, from those that open from top to bottom to standard ones that are usually placed along the edges of the screen. Finally, you should keep in mind that pages rarely contain comments, although WordPress allows you to create such content.

I hope that it is now clearer to you how posts and pages differ and that you are ready to combine them. In the rest of the course, I will try to explain to you in as much detail as possible how different contents are created, and I recommend that you follow these instructions and slowly create your first WordPress site.

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