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Now that you know how to create basic contents, it’s time to show you how they can be managed with the help of the functions found on the administrative panel. There is the possibility to display each of the basic types of content (posts, media, pages and comments) in the form of an index, which means that you can display everything you need at the same time.

For the sake of example, I will choose the Posts option and with All Posts display all posts that are on my site. At the moment, there are not many of them, but it is not rare that there are several hundreds of different articles on them at the same time. Of course, you can always add another one – just click on the Add New button. Right below it, there are options that allow you to apply the appropriate filter and thus select the posts you need. This means that with one move you can display all posts (All), select only those that are currently visible (Published), or check what you have removed from the site in the meantime (Trash).

The options in the third row are also very interesting. The first of them allows you to simultaneously apply a specific action (Bulk Actions), to change them (Edit) or transfer them to a special folder (Move to Trash) for all selected contents. If you decide on one of these functions, you will have to click on the Apply button and thus complete the entire procedure.

The next two options allow you to further filter your posts. In the first case, it will be in accordance with the selected date, and in the second case, according to the category. I am interested in posts about photos, so I will choose the category of the same name and click on the button called Filter. At that moment, only those contents that correspond to the selected criteria will appear on the screen, which can be very convenient if you are dealing with a large number of posts.

If you want to find an post that contains a specific term, it would be best to use the field on the right. It is enough to enter the text you are interested in and click on the Search Posts button. The system will automatically check all posts and display only those in which the specified term appears.

If you have not changed the basic parameters, the following information should be displayed with each post: on the far left is its format, of course, if it has been applied (in this case, the icon you see indicates that I have chosen the Link format for this post). Then follows its title, while in the second row there are options that allow you to change it (Edit and Quick Edit), remove it from the list (Trash) and display it in its final form (View). The next column shows the author’s name, followed by the selected category and assigned tags. The next icon allows you to see if there are any comments, and the time and date of the last change are displayed on the far right. If this is not enough, there is a possibility to switch from List view mode to More Expended list view by selecting the appropriate icon. After that, in addition to the existing data, the introductory content of each post or its extract (Excerpt) will appear on the screen, which can make it much easier for you to find your way around. On the other hand, the data list will now be much longer, so it would not be bad if I show you how to select the necessary data. To get started, you need to click on the Screen Options button and open a special section. After that, it will not be difficult for you to turn off the display of individual columns. This means that it is enough to click on one of these options for the selected column to disappear from the screen. Of course, by re-selection, it will be returned to its place, which means that you have not lost any data. If you have used one of the plugins for your site, there is a possibility that additional columns will be displayed on the screen, but you can easily remove them by applying this technique.

In addition to the mentioned options, there is also a numeric field at the top of the screen. It is a function that allows you to determine the maximum number of posts per page, which can be very useful for some more popular topics. If the number of existing posts exceeds this limit, an option will appear at the bottom of the page that allows you to move to the next segment, and this will be repeated until the last post is reached. Best of all, this arrangement of options can be found in other places as well. To prove it to you, I will click on the Pages option and select the All Pages item from its menu. As you can see, the pages are presented in almost the same way as the posts, so it won’t be difficult for you to navigate.

In addition to posts and pages, you can also change other content such as categories and tags in WordPress. It is enough to select the appropriate item from the Posts menu and thus display the desired data. I will decide on categories, so that fields will appear on the left half of the screen that allow me to define completely new content. Existing categories will be displayed on the right, so I can use one of the attached options. If I click on the first one from the left (Edit), a new box with the same set of fields will appear on the screen, so I will choose Quick Edit and make the appropriate changes on the spot. The last option – View allows me to display all posts that fall into this category in one go. For me, however, the most interesting information is the one on the far right. It is the total number of posts that belong to a certain category, so it is enough to click on it and the system will automatically transfer me to the complete list. This function can also help you find posts with the same tag. It is enough to select the Tag option and look for the column that contains information about their total number. As soon as you click on this information, a list of selected contents will appear on the screen.

All these options will become very valuable to you as soon as your site starts to grow and the number of posts exceeds several hundred. That is why it is necessary that you get to know them well and fully master their application.

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